Home Buying

House hunting can be difficult if one’s not prepared for the step by step process. The first bit of advice I can give is check your credit report and scores.  Before you apply for mortgages an loans, try to calculate how much house, land and square foot you can afford. Owning a home may not be the smartest choice for you in this moment of life if the finances aren’t  secured. Take in to consideration property taxes, maintenance, repairs, lawn and furnishing a home.  Factoring in costs like closing fees, down payment, appraisal, lawyer, inspection etc is also a must! The next step is to call around to mortgage lenders and get loan approvals.  The house search is the next exciting step because you get to see a dream unravel. The nicest way to plot the perfect dream home is to define bedroom count, location and space must-haves. Make a list of mandatory home and neighborhood features, specs and necessities.  The next larger step is making an offer on a home! The seller may want to counter-offer but that is why you have me! I’ll be with you every step of the way getting you the best bang for your buck.

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